Friday, May 27, 2011

In the 'Den for Men'

In our home we have a room designated as 'The Man Room' or 'Den for Men'. It serves as a designated space for various indoor activities, video game play/design, office work and doubles as a spare bedroom for when we host overnight guests. It also tends to serve as storage for things we don't want to look at. In typical fashion, it is the room to which we have, so far, paid the least attention to aesthetics. Recently, my other half expressed a desire to improve the atmosphere in his recreational environment, but wasn't sure where to start. We decided that the room needed a new focal point on which to build, which became the impetus for this latest project of mine.

This piece is a bit of cultural fusion. My other half is strongly attracted to the intricate designs one might find in the art of southern Spain and maintains a certain nostalgia for the time he spent in southeast Asia years ago.  The pattern itself incorporates the desired complexity, while the colour scheme aims to capture an Asian-style vibrancy.  The glass itself is 'Water Glass', transparent with a hint of texture, giving an additional kick to the reflective properties of the glass. 

So with this piece completed, we have a starting point from which to complete the re-decoration of the illustrious 'Den for Men.

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