Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mosaic Clock
The colour palette of this most recent mosaic clock makes me think of peppers displayed at an outdoor market. It reminds me of looking out my window when I lived in Toronto's Kensington Market - stall after stall of brightly coloured produce on display.  

I've always liked this combination of colours and have been looking for the right project to use them.   Given that this project was indirectly inspired by food, this clock might add just the right spice to a kitchen.

This clock was made using a mold technique, similar to creating a mosaic patio stone, except the material used to created the foundation is a polymer base, rather than cement.  Light, so that is can easily hang on a wall.

All of the glass used for this project is opaque and contains little to no grain, so as not to distract the eye from the overall design.

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