Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let There Be Scrap

So we had two matching glass table lamps from, you guessed it, Ikea. Following a 'chasing incident', involving at least two of our three cats, only one of these lamps remains. (Fortunately, the only damage was to the lamp, not to any of the perpetrators.) The removable fixture for the destroyed lamp remained intact. So it was tucked away for future use.

That future use came to fruition as I pondered what to do with all of that leftover stained glass from previous projects. It's impossible to throw it away, not to mention potentially hazardous. Drawers full of odds and ends, small pieces, large pieces. I promised myself I would stay away from the local glass peddler until I found a purpose for some of my endless scrap collection.

This three-sided stained glass table lamp is constructed entirely from scrap glass (except for the Ikea fixture, of course). However, we have decided against keeping it on a table in the interest of preserving it in one piece.

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